We specialize in same day crowns which means the patient no longer needs a temporary and can add time back into their busy schedule.

A crown is a cap for a damaged tooth. It can be made from a variety of materials, including metal or porcelain.


Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.


A dental veneer is an ultra-thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain or composite that is cemented over the facial surfaces of your teeth to correct dental issues including worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, tooth discoloration, and chips or cracks.


A dental bridge consists of two or more specially fitted crowns that are placed on the anchoring teeth on either side of the space formed by your missing tooth or teeth. Fixed bridges are strong and reliable and in most cases they feel and look very much like natural teeth.


A brighter smile is one of the most common requests patients have. Talk with Dr. Kreager about the benefits or other affects whitening can have on your teeth. We offer in office or at-home bleaching.


A dental cleaning is recommended every six months to remove dental plaque and stains you’re unable to remove yourself, as well as to check for signs of tooth decay.


A dental filling is a type of restorative dentistry treatment used to repair minimal tooth fractures, tooth decay or otherwise damaged surfaces of the teeth. We specializes in tooth colored fillings and purposefully choose to avoid the use of mercury/amalgam fillings. This allows for the tooth to have a stronger restoration.


Root canal treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth. When one undergoes a root canal, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed.


Excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding can all require a tooth extraction. Those who get braces may need one or two teeth removed to provide room for their other teeth as they shift into place.


Dentures are prosthetic devices constructed to replace missing teeth, and are supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity. Conventional dentures are removable. 


A removable partial denture usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a  plastic base. Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. 


We offer mouth guards for athletics, as well as appliances to help with grinding of the teeth or clenching go the jaw. As well as an appliance to help with snoring.

Our Services